Wednesday, April 22, 2009


One of my favorite things to do (and this is dorky, I know) is to go back to old journals or diaries and read about what God has done in my life in the past. I had one of those weeks this week where I just needed to be reminded of how God has always brought me through. I wandered through notebooks full of old poetry I had written and came across this one. It amazes me how God was cultivating a passion within me at such a young age. It makes me realize that I have absolutely no reason to doubt that He will fulfill what he has started in me.

Help This World
April 17, 1998 (age 12)

I want to help this world
And fix the pain and loss
I want to help this world
And lead them to the Cross
I want to help this world
And see them through the sorrow
I want to help this world
And create a better tomorrow
I want to help this world
And guide them with my light
I want to help this world
'Til I take my heaven-bound flight
I want to help this world
And lead them to the Lord
I want to help this world
And pray their pain will be cured
I want to help this world
So won't you take my hand
I want to help this world
I want to understand