Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's official, but no need to panic

It's official. The new President of the United States has been announced, and I have come to a few conclusions.

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert mocked gloom & doom Republican's who think the world will now crumble since this "undercover Muslim Socialist" is now our President. I admit, I was less than elated (although not for the aforementioned reasons).

But, I have come to the conclusion that there is no need to dramatize the situation, even if it's not what I chose:

1. I am poor and therefore not likely to be subject to increased taxes within the next four years since I will likely be worth a total of $.52.

2. I voted and therefore reserve the right to gripe for the next four years. (haha).

3. Democracy. The good news is, even if the new administration makes a dreadful mess, they can only do it for 4 years (unless we reelect). Democracy intended for us to try something for a reasonable amount of time, without having to live with things we don't like for too long. If it is a disaster, or even sub-par, we can always pick someone else next time.

Can four years be enough to make a disgusting and embarrassing mess? I think we would all agree this is possible. But can four years also begin efforts to clean things up? I would like to believe that is also true.

Everything is dynamic. Only God is constant. So let's ride out this change and trust the only One who is always the same and need never change.

1 comment:

andee said...

Amen!!! Good perspective! Btw, when are we going to hook up with you guys??? I know you are busy studying and all that important stuff, but we only live 45 minutes away now!!! :)